Jomusky Logo, Artist Rodd Umlauf
Fishing Pics Page 1

digital camera picture taken January 21,2001 by my brother Doug

My niece Erica with a Northern Pike she caught while we were fishing in Onieda County.

digital camera picture taken January 21,2001 by my brother Doug

My other niece Kayla and my Chesie, Mercury, with one of the pike she caught on the same trip. The girls and Mercury are real troupers. They enjoy fishing as much as I do.

scanned 35mm picture taken July 2000 taken by Jomusky

My dog Mercury with his buddy Bones at Sunset Cove Camp LOTW

scanned 35mm picture taken July 2000 taken by my fishing bud Leonardo De Muskyo

This Sunset silhouette was taken while fishing Lake of the Woods. This kind of stuf is almost as good as putting a fish in the boat!

scanned 35mm picture taken by my brother Doug

Erica and I when she caught her first musky, a 34 incher on a sucker she had been working all day!

scanned 35mm picture taken by my brother Doug

Releasing Erica's first musky. Teaching her the right way from the first time on!

scanned 35mm picture taken July 2000 taken by Jomusky

My brother, Doug, with a 35 incher he caught on Lake of the Woods. Those are his daughters pictured above. This fish was suspended with the nearest structure over 100 yards away!

scanned 35mm picture taken June 2000 taken by Jomusky

Our dad with a 35 incher he took while he and I were fishing the Minoqua Father's Day Tournament. This fish is one of only two muskies caught in the Tournament!

scanned 35mm picture taken by my dad, Tom

This is my first big musky. A Vilas County 44 incher! As you can see this was before I learned to take pictures without sunglasses.

scanned 35mm picture taken by my brother Doug

This is another Vilas County 44 incher. Still wearing the sunglasses!Notice the lucky shirt! I still wear it when I need extra forces!!!

scanned 35mm picture taken by my brother Doug

Release pictures are awesome!

scanned 35mm picture taken August 2000 by my beatiful wife and eternal fishing partner Anmarie 

Now this is what a picture should look like! I wish I learned how to take pictures before I started musky fishing. I caught this 35 inch fish in the 2000 National Championship Musky Open. Kneeling helps make the fish look bigger, especially when your 6 feet tall.

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