Jomusky Logo, Artist Rodd Umlauf
Snowcrest Lure Mfg.

Snow Crest Globe, one of the best on the market.

Brian Sanger manufactures Snowcrest topwater, bucktails and spinnerbaits.

Most are sold locally in Nebraska, on eBay, and a few regular clients in Canada.

The locals are hooked on the baits and feedback from buyers on eBay is overwhelmingly positive.

Reportedly, a WI customer caught 2) 45" fish last summer on the bucktails and a 50+ on a 3 oz. spinnerbait which he lost at the boat.

They are thinking about adding a line of cranks and jerks...possible production next fall.

He has a web site, which is under construction, at

If you wish to place an order or have any questions, Brian's email address is:

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